eGrow is an international non-profit organization that empowers low income entrepreneurs and existing business owners to build thriving businesses in developing countries. eGrow provides high quality training programs, advisory services, mentoring, and access to microloans to generate economic opportunities, growth and transformed lives. Too often, small business owners in developing countries lack access to adequate resources and training, a need that eGrow fulfills through its programs.

eGrow relies on teams of business men and women who volunteer to teach business training seminars overseas. These volunteers put their business expertise at the service of less fortunate men and women who otherwise would not have the skills and tools to develop their business ideas into thriving enterprises that improve the economic conditions of their communities.

Volunteers receive training before they are sent abroad. They are taught how to teach seminar attendees in a culturally sensitive way, while also presenting the course material in an effective manner. The goal is to help attendees develop their own ideas, rather than dictate formulas and concepts. When the volunteers depart the country after giving the seminars, participants should have the skills necessary to develop and grow their businesses.

This model seeks to alleviate poverty and societal decay by providing aspiring small business owners—tailors, mechanics, dress-makers—with the knowledge needed to start and grow their businesses. Stronger businesses translate to business owners who can better provide for their families, employ their neighbors, and strengthen their communities.

The curriculum progresses in three phases. During the first phase, students are taught about the importance of businesses and the transformative power of an ethical, strong business for a community. At this stage the instructors discuss with each participant his or her business ideas. Participants submit “homework” to their instructors, outlining their business ideas. In turn, the instructors help them develop basic business plans. Those participants demonstrating commitment and sound business principles are invited to participate in Phase II.

During Phase II, the volunteer teams return on a second trip to assist participants to further develop their business plans. Participants learn the ins and outs of financing, marketing, management, and customer relations. During Phase III, this training is continued, and participants are given the opportunity to apply for micro-finance loans from eGrow. eGrow will grant small loans to entrepreneurs who demonstrate clear business thinking, commitment to the hard work of building a business, and sufficient cash flow to repay the loans.

Upon completion of the phases, each participant approved for a micro-credit loan executes the necessary paperwork to receive the funds. Loan recipients agree to take part in monthly accountability and mentoring meetings until the loan is repaid, and agree to serve as a teacher’s aid during the next year’s training cycle, to assist the next group of students.

After completion of the course, the participants continue to receive mentoring from eGrow representatives, who meet with the entrepreneurs and answer questions that arise as their businesses grow. The goal is to maintain a training presence in these countries and to encourage the business men and women to be independent, seeking counsel from eGrow personnel when needed. In this way, seeds of economic growth will be planted in the community.